Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Trip to the Saentis

After a week of fake outs, the sun came out for real on Saturday. And, at Kenny's suggestion, we decided to hit the road and venture up to the highest point around- the Saentis. The highest point in what specific region, I don't know, but it's kind of a big deal. So I'm told...

   The trip there was pretty uneventful, except that we had to do an exceptional amount of waiting.  We spoke with a lady at the ticket counter because we weren't quite sure the best route to get there (we usually just buy tickets from an automated kiosk). I don't know what the lady was thinking when she handed us the itinerary because we had clearly missed the first train on it.  Many of the local trains run every hour or so many minutes, which was the case with this one, however, everything else on the itinerary was thrown off and added close to 3 hours of waiting at various places.  It did allow us to indulge in Starbucks. I truly believe that the pumpkin spice latte should stay through Christmas. We eat pumpkin pie at Christmas, why not drink it too?  Oh well, Toffee Nut it is.  A little too sweet, but tasty.
   We traveled well, we waited well. Go kids! Go parents!  Kenny and I even read a little- each on our own device.  (side note: I was finally able to download a couple of books onto my kindle!!  I went with the Niemerg Book Club December pick- Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris and the new Ken Follett book.)
  The mountain was beautiful and the view from up top was just breathtaking. It was so quiet too. Even with the visitors around talking, it was so peacefully quiet. Nerve wracking as all get out, with the ice and snow and jagged rocky cliffs, but peacefully quiet.

 Another family photo!  Eli is sleeping in this one, too

 See what I mean about nerve wracking?
 Yay for food!  It is amazing what a little spike in the blood sugar can do for Jo. She went from tantrum throwing to playing duck duck goose by herself (on the gondola) in a matter of a few minutes.
Eli woke up so we had to get a picture with him awake
Just good lookin'!

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