Okay so my last post was about night terrors and I just want to say thanks if you read it and thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts. I am happy to report that the episodes have decreased in frequency, in fact, he hasn't had one in over a week! Not having people with whom to share things like this is definitely something that is hard about living here. It's easy to let small concerns (or even big ones) get blown out of proportion. I suppose that is easy to do no matter where you live. I find that if I can talk about these things with other moms and/or family that it helps to normalize the worries. So here is my plug for community- live in it, be a part of it, share one another's burdens. No matter what it is that you face, you are not alone, but you will feel like it until you open your mouth and share. Totally missing my MOPS girls on things like this :)
Change in subject! Before we arrived here in Switzerland, I envisioned us doing more traveling than what we have done. I've already shared my frustrations in our outings so you know that we haven't traveled too far. After this past weekend's jaunt to Berlin, I have to say that I REALLY don't think we could handle much more traveling. All Saint's Day is a national holiday here. I don't think they do much other than close everything down, but it did mean Kenny and Jackson were off school Thursday and Friday. We took advantage and booked flights to Berlin to visit a friend from the states and her family. (I will write a separate post about our adventures.)
Maybe you are like me and think of Europe as somehow all being fairly close to itself. I have this mindset because a) it's over "there" - I don't live there so I don't really grasp it's geography b) I'm only really aware of the major touristy areas, and c) it's so well connected by trains that I think I get from any point a to any point b with just a train ride and train rides are shorter than plane rides. Well, I am very wrong. Zurich to Berlin is an 11 hour train ride. Not happening! (I would do an overnight train without little ones). And, somehow, travel by plane requires more work and stress.
The other thing that makes more (lengthier) excursions daunting is that they are so much work in general. Before and after. Packing for 5 people, leaving the apartment in such a condition that I won't find a stinky fridge/clothes pile/bathroom/kitchen when we return, the LAUNDRY when we get back, restocking the fridge- I have been shopping 4 times this week. Tuesday was a trip to the second hand store, but I stopped at a gas station and bought bread on the way home. (side note: at a gas station in the states you might find a few bags of cheap, white, presliced bread, but here at any decent gas station you will find a small selection of fresh baked breads. true story.) I know this is true when you travel no matter where from/to, but my visions of us going off for the weekend here and there and everywhere are totally busted.
So I am apparently in a bit of a "nesting" phase- trying to stock up on dry goods, buying the extra warm layers I am finding we need, creating this awesome stroller set up.
Thanks to my Aussie friend for the use of the stroller "muff" and "new" coat (20 CHF for a used coat. I wouldn't pay that much for a new coat for a baby. The new one I found was 80!) for Eli we can now step out in the wintry weather. I've tried it both to school and the grocery story and it has been a success so far. He even napped in it at the store. I haven't tried pulling the shopper and pushing the stroller, that test is next. The plus on the stroller is that Jo will sit so I don't have to worry about her running off.
I am totally taken with the strollers here- they look so cool! and practical. But I think this will get us through, as long as the somewhat busted hinge holds out.
I also found a lovely little walker for Eli. And in T-town colors to boot! He loves it, even though his feet don't touch. (I stick a pillow under him to give him something to push against.)
I would also like to take a moment to publicly announce my intention to get back to my pre-pregnancy size. I have pants back in Illinois I want my mom to bring with her at Christmas, but they won't fit yet. I am tired of wearing maternity pants! I even went shopping a couple weeks back to buy normal pants that fit. I found a pair and then I realized they didn't have a tag, so I grabbed THE SAME SIZE off the rack and bought them. When I got them home, they didn't fit. Second time that has happened to me at H & M. Lesson learned, buy what you try! Anyway, I have six weeks. I am now accountable to you on this.
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