Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rainy Week

I don't have much to say about our rainy week. We consumed a LOT of television. *yay* Now that it is sunny, I almost don't know what to do with myself.
Friday, Jackson got so tired of television he took to playing with this.

Relax, it's peanut butter play-dough. Disturbing, though, isn't it?
I think the pig tails just add to her mad scientist demeanor

How about a Kenny school update?
   I think this schooling experience is giving Kenny better insight into how he functions. For instance, he's learned that test taking stresses him out. Even when he knows the information. He can tell me all about whatever it is (I can't say that I always pay attention, or know what the heck he is talking about) but his grades don't reflect his knowledge.  He is passing, so that's a plus.  (He already know the information and that is the point of this whole endeavor. Passing is important, but from what he tells me, their methods of testing are...not very effective)

No, it's not apart of Fall decoration, these are commonly used for outdoor sweeping here. I first saw one our first week here and it has taken me 8 weeks to get a shot of one. This one here was left at our house 2 weeks ago and I just took the photo today.

And here's an official picture of Eli "Ace."  Munchkin is growing so fast, I almost didn't get this on him in time. The problem now is the weather doesn't cooperate with the wearing of onesies so much. But thanks Aunt Katie!


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