Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Fat Lip Kids

Jack and Jo are starting a new gang- the Fat Lip Kids.  Jackson busted his on the post of the lofted bed on the first night in the new flat and he still slept up there. Go Jackson!  Johanna was standing by the fence watching the road construction in front of our house and suddenly looked up with tears in her eyes and blood in her mouth.

Here is the promised first day of kindergarten picture.  I should add, (if I haven't already) 1st year kindergarten is definitely like US pre-K- a lot of play happening. (which I think is great). Yes, that is Jo standing next to him. Why would I want to take a picture without her?

I mentioned road construction. Here are a couple of shots.  I'm not super happy about this happening right in front of my house from 7am to 6pm but it is impressive to watch them work in such a tight space. And they are very quick. It's also crazy to watch the traffic go by- half on the sidewalk -and the school kids running through the construction zone.

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