Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Head Colds are the Devil

This week we have all been hit to some degree or another with a head cold.  Jo started it.  And she probably got the worst of it. She almost has an ear infection. Her ear(s) definitely hurt because she is one cranky 2 year old without tylenol.  Even Eli has suffered :( So sad to hear his little bark of a cough as he tries to clear the junk out of the way.  So between my own breathing inabilities, Eli's, and Johanna's- my sleep has been a rare thing the past few nights.  Jackson and Kenny have been spared the heavy artillery in this go round.
   Despite our infirmities we have had our adventures.  This past Sunday was a no translation Sunday at church so we decided to get out and enjoy God's green Earth a bit.  I was told about a "trail by a stream" in the nearby town? neighborhood? of Riethusli.  This turned out to be a really great walk UP a big hill.  Not too steep, we could all handle it.

   The beginning of the hike. Notice how my hand is on Jo's head? That's because we are standing near the edge of the road which quickly declines 30 or so feet to the aforementioned stream.

 Nice shot, Kenny!

Kenny really wanted to check out the stream, so of course he had tagalongs.

The hike did get kind of long. 2 and 1/2 hours long. And we didn't pack snacks. At that point we were pretty sure we were on a path that looped back to the town and it would be faster to keep going forward rather than go back. I was a little panicky. I knew we weren't too far from home but we weren't sure exactly where we were or how to get home. It was getting colder, everyone was hungry and there was no one we could call for help. Thankfully a couple of mountain bikers came by us and we were able to get some affirmation that we were going the right way to get back to Riethusli. We really only were 20 minutes from town. Really glad we didn't try to backtrack at that point.
 This is the view from the point where we talked to the cyclists.

That was Sunday's adventure. Monday's adventure was laundry. As I mentioned on facebook: 4 flights of stairs, 6 times. Baby strapped to chest, carrying laundry, 2 year old that wants to come with me. (and jump down the stairs).  And all for 7 CHF. sigh.  I also took the kids to the Riethusli store and bakery twice because the first time the store was closed for siesta. Definitely got my workout Monday.
    Tuesday I attempted to go to Aldi's. (about a 10 minute bus ride) I'm sitting on the bus and I realize I don't have cash, my debit card is not working in the ATM machines and Aldi's doesn't take credit cards, at least not in the States. And it turns out not here either :( Good thing there was a Co-Op (grocery store) nearby.
    I've decided at least one shopping trip a week needs to be done on Thursday night (stores stay open later that 5pm) or Saturday when I can go alone.  I don't mind bringing groceries home on the bus. I don't mind taking kids on the bus, but both together is physically too much by myself. The great thing about a car is that you can strap your kids in and drive and not worry about them. You can pay attention to them or not. They might scream, but it is just you they are bothering.  Kids on buses require constant attention and when the infant wakes up from his 3 hour nap-well, I'm becoming immune to hostile stares.  (*I think every Swiss person I've met personally has been very friendly-really)
   I will also note that Kenny and I have received a lot of parenting advice from strangers over here.  Kenny was told to support Eli's head. I was told my baby should have socks (on one of the hottest days here). And while we were waiting for our second bus home with all our groceries and my 2 year old is happily eating grapes and standing RIGHT BESIDE ME (hallelujah!) a lovely woman informed me that I really should wash those grapes first, it's not safe. "Thank you" I politely say, and continue to feed my daughter dangerous grapes. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the Swiss are bossy! It's amazing Jackson and Jo survived before you moved there without all that great advice! Love reading about your travels and adventures
